lowkeykatycat posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
My Meet & Greet with Katy Story
12/15 Amalie Arena – Tampa, FL ShowI’ve been a huge fan of Katy since One of the Boys came out. Lost and Fingerprints were my anthem. When I was at my lowest, these songs would remind me that I’m not alone in the world.
When Teenage Dream came out, I was in a very toxic relationship. Pearl and Who Am I Living For helped me realized that he didn’t deserve someone like me.
When PRISM was released, I was heavily bullied online and was convinced of taking my own life to end the trauma. Suddenly, By the Grace of God came on shuffle. I promised myself I will never think of doing that again.
Katy’s music has been a huge part of me. She was there when no one else was, even though she doesn’t even know I exist. It’s the great thing about music, isn’t it? But unlike many artists, Katy’s music is not just for the charts, or all those superficial things. Katy’s music actually saves lives and talks about things other artists wouldn’t dare discuss. A real inspiration.
So when I found out I won a M&G through KATYCATS.COM, I couldn’t believe it. There I was, stunned to the core, in utter disbelief that I will get to ACTUALLY talk to my idol of 10 years, and thank her for her music. As soon as I was home, I worked on my outfit and created a scrapbook containing a heartfelt letter from me and hundreds of messages from her Filipino fans.
On the night of the concert, they decided to move the M&G post-show because Katy wanted to spend more time with fans. WITNESS THE TOUR was phenomenal. If you haven’t bought your ticket yet, I’m telling you right now that you don’t want to miss this tour. Throughout the night, I danced and sang my heart out to the point that everyone around me thought that I’m crazy or something. I might have been at that moment – because I know before the night ends I will be meeting my idol. POWER was my favorite from the set by the way. And I wish she performed Hey Hey Hey because that’s my favorite from the album besides Power.
After the concert, we were supposed to go upstairs to the Chase Club Lounge because that’s where Katy and her team are waiting. While I and m friend were about to enter, they stopped us because we didn’t have wristbands. I was like what wristbands? Silly me, I was so excited to see Katy that I forgot to pick up my passes at the ticketing booth. I misread Katy’s team’s email and thought that we didn’t have to pick them up since the M&G was moved post-show.
It was my fault. I was panicking and almost in tears thinking I missed my chance. I showed them her team’s emails who was kind enough to escort me and my friend to The Twins to verify if I’m indeed who I say I am. When everything checked out, they allowed us in and was in line to meet Katy. I cannot thank them enough for allowing us. I was pretty aware about misbehaving fans so there was a part of me that accepted I won’t be able to meet Katy. But I got in – all thanks to her team.
LESSON LEARNED: Don’t get too excited and read their emails properly. 10x if possible. They were kind enough to let me in despite me forgetting to pick up my passes, but I might be the last. So make sure to pick up your passes as soon as you get to the concert.
When we got in, I saw the incredible @lazyblazy. I introduced myself and my friend, but all along she knew who I was lol. As one of the wonderful people at @katycats @katyperryforum, she said she knows all our names by heart. She was so nice.
I was one of the last 3 people waiting in line, which I loved because that way I get to watch Katy from afar. So there I was, just a few feet away from my idol. I. AM. ABOUT. TO. TALK. TO. KATY. This was running through my head. Until now, I couldn’t even believe that happened. It was so surreal. Watching her, I could tell how much she adores kids and grandmas. They say you can tell so much about a person’s character depending on how they treat children, the elderly, and animals. Katy loves all three and treats them so well – I know I chose the right person to look up to.
So when it was my turn to talk to her, I was so filled with joy. It felt like we’ve been friends all this time. Of course that’s not true but it felt that way. Katy has this warm, incredible aura. When she looked at me, it felt like she was looking into my soul. Those amazing eyes of hers have this sort of magic that she’d make you feel you’re the most important person in the world at the moment.
She loved the dress I made where I hand-stitched patches that resemble all the Katy icons – the cherry, watermelon, Left Shark, Saturn, flamingos, and of course the all-seeing eye. She took a video of me and posted it on her Instagram. I was so honored that she liked my outfit.
To be honest, I was afraid I would be intimidated by her presence, but I wasn’t. I talked to her like I would talk to a friend. I told her how much I loved Power from that night’s set. How much Filipinos love her. I showed her all the messages from Katy Perry Philippines and she was so touched. She asked me if I’d be in the Philippines for her Manila stop, but I said I wouldn’t but her legions of fans will be there for sure.
After taking a bunch of pictures together, I hugged her and told her what I’ve been wanting to tell her for years. “You are such an inspiration to me.”
She said, “Thank you, that means a lot to me.”
As it does to me.
One of my greatest fears is to finally meet my idol and feel disillusioned afterward. But Katy outdid all my expectations and made an even bigger fan out of me.
Thank you to KATYCATS.COM and KPF for this opportunity. I’m forever grateful and indebted to all of you. Like what I told Katy, I wish you all the good things in the world. I love this fandom! 🙂
So sweet! Glad you had a good time 🙂
Hey babe, Im From Brazil and I don’t know how can I get the M&G. Can you help me? thanx. xxx.
There is no way to get a meet and greet for Brazil as of yet.
thanx, xx
I did! More than I could wish for! And that’s because of you guys! Again, thank you so much for this once in a lifetime experience! <3