• Vívian posted an update in the group Group logo of WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 6 years, 11 months ago

    Witness: The Tour @ SAO PAULO – March 17th, 2018, M&G CONTEST ENTRIES in the forum WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GS
    The dream of any Brazilian katycat is to talk one day, to hug, to take a selfie with Katy and to say how much she inspires us, I say this because when I am going through a difficult time her songs mainly roar, fireworks, by Grace God Eu says everything will be fine and just listening to these songs. I already feel strong to continue struggling to achieve my dreams while Katy has managed to realize her dreams. I always repeat myself. Don’t be surprised, I will still rise

    I live in this teenage dream and feel that someday I can tell Katy how much her lyrics inspire me and that I will love her unconditionally. I am very happy to be able to witness this era and see how much our Katheryn has grown. I love you mom “MORTA” “LINDA” “MIGA SUA LOCA” BRAZIL IS WAITING FOR YOU