• 123katy posted an update in the group Group logo of WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 6 years, 11 months ago

    [cp]#Witness:TheTour香港# @AEG亚洲
    Katy–the love of my life.[心][心]
    The first time I saw the video of teenage dream, I knew I would forever be by your side ,forever your supporter and forever your love .It’s what people say fall in love at first sight. I sang teenage dream in different occasions about 10 times since I was in junior high that all my friends must know this song is belong to me.I can’t believe that I love you for so long.[haha][haha]

    If I write a song about you , I must use all the beautiful words. You create so many incredible songs which make us laugh, make us cry or encourage us to be who we are. [加油][加油]

    I wish I can get the chance to meet you face to face and I will love you in the rest of my life.