• alfisyahrina joined the group Group logo of WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 7 years ago

    • so this is gonna be the first time I watch Katy in live (Jakarta April 14th 2018). I saved my allowance from my parents, and I work as a part-timer to buy the ticket. actually I’ve been a KatyCat since 2011 where I fell in love with the California Gurls’ MV, yea. I found out that this singer is kind of unique, beautiful, stunning, gorgeous (other words that can describe her beauty, write!), has some energetic voice, movement, etc. the point is, I hope I’m eligible as other previous KatyCats who got a chance to M&G with Katy! 🙂 I’m totally will be witnessing her!!