marius.santos.wig posted an update in the group
AUSTRALIAN KATY CATS 6 years, 10 months ago
93 Days till the very first Witness World Tour kicks off in Australia! 99 Days till I finally witness Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson for the very first time. Been a fan since 2009… Always can’t go to her tour as my parents can’t afford it. 9 years later, I have finally graduated from middle, high school and uni… Throughout those years, Katy Perry’s songs have grown in me. 4 Katy Perry’s Eraaaaassss. <3 <3 <3 Truly can't wait for this moment. She inspires me in a lot of things. But this is just my postings for now. Who's artist do you guys think will perform in Witness Oceania Tour? And are you guys excited to see Katheryn? Cause I sure am…