hamerydm posted an update in the group
WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 6 years, 10 months ago
Bonjour https://www.katycats.com,
I’ve been waiting for my whole life to do this, I could finally be able to open my heart to Katy and this thanks to you. I love her since the very beginning, I’ve been very supportive to her: promoting her music at birthday parties, family lunches… The day has arrived thanks to you I may meet her at the end of the month in Paris on May 30rd and I cannot be more happy!
As we witnessed, the witness era was all about connection and the connection between Katy and I is undeniable I relate too much to her songs she’s an inspiration to me. I would love to meet her once in my life and tell her how she is important to me.
BY MEETING HER I WANT ALSO TO ASK HER: WHERE IS APOLOGIZE? AND LEAK KP5 PLSSSSSSSSI am a 19 years-old boy, from France. And never forget that Je t’aime Katy. Myay the winner of this contest be real fans, that deserve as much as I hope, to meet Katy. If you already met her by the past, I beg you to let the ones that never met her to take a chance. 🙁
Hi KatyCat, you have to post here https://www.katycats.com/groups/witness-the-tour-mgs/forum/topic/witness-the-tour-paris-france-may-30-2018-mg-contest-entries/
Oopsiee Thank you so much !! 😘😘😘