marionmia posted an update in the group
WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 6 years, 10 months ago
Hello, my name is Marion, i’m 20 and i’m going to both Paris shows. Im a fan since forever but a real katycat since 2011. my parents didn’t allow me to go to CDT when i was younger but took me to the PWT in Lyon back in 2015, i’m so glad to be able to go to WTT not once but twice 😀 I met Katy on june 3rd and even if i only could say hi (voice shaking, and tears everywhere on my face lol) i would love to meet her a bit longer to tell her she’s the best thing i could have in my life and she kinda saved and maintains me healthy in mind, she teach me so much i want to thank her and tell her eyes to eyes everything i feel and i am thanks to her. I hope i’ve a chance and wish good luck to all the others katycats 🙂
You can contact me on
Twitter : @Mia_Marion
Instagram : @marionmia
or my email address linked to my katycats.com account 🙂
Thank you so much for the opportunity and the joy and love you create.
Hi KatyCat, you have to post here https://www.katycats.com/groups/witness-the-tour-mgs/forum/topic/witness-the-tour-paris-france-may-30-2018-mg-contest-entries/