• icuucme posted an update in the group Group logo of WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 7 years, 4 months ago

    This would be a dream come true if I ever would meet Katheryn Hudson. She is my biggest inspiration, my light, my world, a goddess, a legend. I’ve been a KatyCat since I was 8 years old. I remember in 2008 when I first heard Katy Perry was on the radio and it was “I Kissed A Girl” while in the car at the gas station while my mother was refueling her car. Immediately, I knew that she had a unique voice and a great talent that’s
    going to grow bigger, better, and more authentic as time progresses. Katy has helped me through my lowest of lows and also my highs. She taught me to be humble, be more of myself even if it get backlash but it’ll all work out within time so you’ll meet more people you always been searching for with a connection. I’m so glad that we as a community can witness her and she can witness us. Thank you so much for giving us an opportunity KatyCats.com! You definitely are changing lives everyday and making us more positive throughout these hard times as a group. We all love Katheryn 💕❤️.