• allisondenisevillagran posted an update in the group Group logo of WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 7 years, 4 months ago

    Hello! I would like to know how I can win a M & G, I am from Mexico (Chihuahua) and buy tickets to see Katy in San Antonio TX. Literal I’ll drive more than 13 hours to get to the Katy concert! And I’m dying to meet Katy! This will be the first time I go to a concert of her. It would be a dream come true

    • Hello! The admins will announce two weeks in advance of a show if there is a M&G for the show within Forum. You will have one week to respond to the thread if you would like to be entered into the contest. Once the contest is over the winners are notified through email. I highly recommend reading the FAQs and Rules posted within the Forum that answers many questions. Best Wishes!