Katy Perry is starring in animated musical “Melody.”

Melody is a kind-hearted, insecure singer who must overcome the evil plans of Rose Stellar, a jealous wicked pop queen who has vowed to destroy her. Set against the backdrop of New York City, Melody will take audiences on an adventure of song, laughter and heroic quest. In her arsenal, Melody has seven musical notes that set her apart and have magical qualities and help guide her moral compass. Perry is writing and performing songs for the film, and sparked to the themes of self-discovery and self belief that is key to the fulfillment of life dreams like the one she is living.

Perry said there is good reason for that. “I am 37-year old woman who still struggles with being insecure,” she said. “I’ve come to realize that everyone is insecure, and that if you are not, I wonder if you have some negative characteristics because of that. I’m such a big fan of the animation world, and because my daughter is two years old, I am more immersed than ever before. What resonated for me with Melody and her character is the overall storyline that has to do with self confidence. I’ve realized in laying the foundation for my own child to be fearless, confident and brave, that you cannot have enough films with such strong themes of empowerment.”

Perry didn’t start out the fiery songstress behind such supremely confident hit songs as Roar and Firework.

“I came up in a different generation from this one, where now there is feedback all the time that often comes in the form of comments, peer pressure and bullying,” she said. “Storytelling is a good way to help young people find their bravery and self confidence. For me growing up, all I needed was one person to help mentor me. I had that and I just kept swinging. I say peachy keen, jellybean all the time, but it definitely wasn’t always that for me when I started. There were many rejections, and many losses, almost a decade of that. I went to Los Angeles when I was 17, and I got signed and dropped by three record labels. I had two cars repossessed. But when I would go and busk at the Farmers Market on the street, people would stop, for a long time.

“So I knew I had something, and I just had to keep working on it and keep swinging. And if you keep swinging, the math starts to favor you, especially if you are really working on sharpening your craft and making it really good,” she said. “I think the first step for young people, is just trying, and engaging. I’m a big believer in trying everything once, and not to be on the sidelines. I am encouraging my daughter to be fearless, because she has a mother and a father who are fearless. You don’t want to live 10% of what life has to offer. Why not 100%? Melody is a great character, self aware, she’s been through struggles in losing her sister, who becomes a spirit guide. She goes to the big city, and she feels really alone. I’ve been through that process, leaving my little town of Santa Barbara and going to Los Angeles at 17, having to make a whole new set of friends. And almost having to rely on my imagination just like Melody, who has to rely on her seven magical notes.”