chiarasophie posted an update in the group
WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 7 years ago
I had to delete my first post because I forgot to include my social media! I am so sorry, so here you go again!✨
Instagram: @chiiiarasophie
Twitter: @xchiiiarax
Hey I’m Chiara and I’m 18 and I don’t know how to start but honestly it’s one of my biggest dreams to just meet Katy once I’m my life. I’ve been listening to her music since i kissed a girl was released, so since I was 8 years old. Back then I didn’t even understand the lyrics but that was ok because I loved her voice and just the way her music made me feel. I never got the chance to go see her on a concert because when she came to Germany for the Candyfornia dreams tour I couldn’t go because my mom thought I was too young so I was hoping I at least could see her at the PWT. But again, no chance to do so because of some serious family issues. I was so broken because that woman literally saved my life and I thought I would never be able to at least sing along to her songs together with her and other people who share the same love for her than I do. When I got the tickets for the show in Cologne last year I started crying because I couldn’t believe I’d see my lifesaver singing her heart out life. It’s just a dram come true. I’d be so happy to maybe get the chance to tell her how much she means to me and many other personal things. Just that she saved my life and make sure she knows what an amazing person she is. I just want her to know what she did for me and how much she had influenced me and my life in such a positive way. I know that this may be the only chance that I ever get to meet her so I at least wanna try. If it doesn’t work out and I wont win a m&g it also will be find because I know that every KatyCat in the world wants to meet her as much as I do and every single one of them deserves it! I love you all and thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet Katy, you’re doing amazing! And to everyone actually winning a meet and greet – enjoy your time with her, tell her as much as you can and hug her tight but please be careful because you’re holding my whole world in your arms. 💜
Hi KatyCat, you have to post in the forum not here!
Awww okay! Thank zog!!!