DianaCat10 posted an update in the group
WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi, there! Hi, there!
My name is Diana Rojas, I’m 25 years old. First of all, I’ve been a KatyCat since 2008 when I heard Hot N’ Cold for the first time and automatically I fell in love with her. It’s been such a long but an amazing and beautiful journey by her side.
I going to be at Witness the tour on May 9th in Monterrey, this will be my second time in a Katy’s concert because I went to the Prismatic World Tour on 2014, but unfortunately I’ve NEVER met her.
Hopefully, I will be lucky enough to finally meet her this time. Katy means the world to me and it would be such a priceless experience which I would keep in my heart forever. I just want to be able to say to her how much I love her and how much I admire her, not just as an artist but as a human being.Twitter: @Diana10Rojas
Instagram: @dianalrojas10
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DianaRedsC
Hi KatyCat, you have to post here http://www.katycats.com/groups/witness-the-tour-mgs/forum/topic/witness-the-tour-monterrey-may-9th-2018-mg-contest-entries/
Oh my bad! Thank you so much for letting me know. 🙂