• IsabelleFontenele posted an update in the group Group logo of WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 7 years, 1 month ago

    Yeah, I’m an assumed Katycat and I’m not ashamed of it, you know why? Mine, ours and Katy Perry come every day showing me that she is a WONDERFUL woman both inside (mainly and absolutely) and outside for her acts that as a fan I have been following throughout her incredible career. She is a complete artist! He cares about his family and in an extraordinary way with his fans, when he has opportunities through the internet and the tour.
    Aunt Katia Perry does not charge Meet & Greet, and in my opinion no artist should charge. I know she can never see this publication but that does not matter, what really matters is that she is still this AMAZING woman!
    I felt the need to write this little tribute through a beautiful video that I watched as she calls a fan to make a wish, which was to ask in full tour so that her sister’s roommates stop bullying because she has autism . I hope the world can have more people like her, a source of inspiration not only for me but for thousands of others.
    Come on the Witness Tour! There is little left.