• juliamasdeukc posted an update in the group Group logo of WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 6 years, 8 months ago

    Hi, I’m Julia and I’m from Barcelona. I started being a Katycat five years ago, more or less when the PWT was starting. Like all of you, Katy is so important in my life, she helped me in a lot of ways and with a lot of things. She is my idol and my teacher because she taught me how to grow as a human being. I’ve never thought how a person who don’t know you can help you with her music and her words. I need to meet Katherine because I feel like I need to explain her how she makes me feel and how she has helped me. That’s a great opportunity to do it. Im so nervous because I will meet my Kc friends, we have a WhatsApp group and we have talked for five years!! Thanks 🖤
    Twitter: @xulikatycat Instagram: @juliamasdeu