• lindsayrae23 posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago

    December 12, 2017: The greatest day of my life.

    First and foremost, I want to say THANK YOU to the amazing ladies at KPF that give us KC’s the opportunity to meet the idol that we have looked up to for years. It is amazing to see all of the people Katy has met this tour.

    So, I guess I’ll just jump right in. There is a lot that I wish I could go back and change or say to Katy, but I was so nervous and I turned into a freaking clam and I didn’t say anything that I wanted to. So there were probably around 40 people backstage for the M&G because some of her crew had friends and family there, so it took a little bit for her to get to the KC’s. Once it was out turn, her demeanor changed. She seemed a little more excited to meet us. And it was obvious she spent more time with us than everyone else.

    Finally, it was my turn. I felt pretty calm as soon as she locked eyes on mine, but yet my heart was pounding. I work at Space Camp in Alabama and I know how much she loves space related things and shes fascinated by it all. So I obviously had to bring her a gift from Space Camp. I was able to bring her a blue flight suit just like astronauts where and I had her name patch specially made to say Katheryn instead of KP or Katy. Whenever I was unfolding it, I was explaining that I work at SC in Alabama and she was all like “No you don’t” to which I nervously said “Swear”. When I got the suit unfolded she kept saying “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.” and her eyes lit up when she saw Katheryn on her badge. She said “I’ll forever have this”. She took the suit and asked what I did at camp and I told her I was a tour guide in the museum, and then she asked me if I had ever done the zero gravity chamber…..I said no, because well there is no such thing unfortunately, but I did not want to be like “nah girl that doesnt exist.” LOL She said “come on, you gotta get more spacey”. I had a gift bag with other gifts (a tshirt with cats dressed as astronauts, an astronaut Hello Kitty, a letter from me, space ice cream) I was trying to hand Tamra the bag because I figured KP would want to open it later, but as I was handing it over she grabbed it and said “no wait!” and immediately saw the astronaut ice cream, and gave me such a creepy derpy smile and she reached out and hugged me and whispered “You’re my favorite today” I was so awkward and I just said “Awwwww.” Then we took our picture and she looked down at me and asked how long I worked there and if I liked and. I said “Ive been there a year and I love it.” After our picture she thanked me for the gift and I told her I hope to see her wearing it and I pointed at the twins and told them to come to space camp too. Then I walked away with the biggest smile on my face.

    Katy is so genuine. I knew she was nice and kind, but I guess seeing it first hand and experiencing it made me truly believe it. I never knew I could possibly love her any more than I did before, but I left that room with a stringer love and a better appreciation for her. During the show she interacted with us so much and it was truly the best show I have been to.

    KP has truly been the shining light at the end of every single tunnel in my life. She brought me through several heartbreaks, my first struggle with depression, she has taught me how to love myself, and she has taught me how to work hard for what I want and chase my dreams. Because of her I moved to Orlando to chase a lifelong dream of working for Disney (where I worked two years) and there I found out who I was as a person and without those years, I wouldn’t be who I am today. She is my angel, my hero, my idol, and now my friend.

    My life is complete now that I have finally met her. Again, there’s a lot I wish I would have said to her if I weren’t so nervous, but I know in my heart our paths will cross again. Thank you KPF for giving me this amazing opportunity. I will be forever grateful for all you do for all of the KatyCat fam jam.