katycat.em joined the group
KatyCats.com 5 years ago
katycat.em joined the group
Concerts & Shows 5 years ago
steviep24 started the topic
Never Worn White in the forum Katy! 5 years ago
Who’s ready for Katy’s song Never Worn White?
UrielKP joined the group
AlekKocher posted an update in the group
Concerts & Shows 5 years ago
Who is so so excited for NWW tonight?! I’m hoping this will give us some long awaited album/tour news!
AlekKocher posted an update in the group
USA KATY CATS 5 years ago
Who is excited for the premier of NWW tonight??!! What if we get some album news/personal life news from Katy??
AlekKocher joined the group
KatyCats.com 5 years ago
EliuAmador5 joined the group
Concerts & Shows 5 years ago
elise158 joined the group
Concerts & Shows 5 years ago
Dwayne joined the group
KATY FAN ART 5 years ago
SarahAnthonyART replied to the topic
Paintings in the forum KATY FAN ART 5 years ago
Hello everyone, here is my portrait of Katy Perry (acrylics).
Do you like it ? 🙂
Thank you
My website https://sarahanthonyfineart.com/
https://www.instagram.com/sarah_anthony_artist/ -
SarahAnthonyART posted an update in the group
KATY FAN ART 5 years ago
Hello everyone, I painted a realistic portrait of Katy Perry, could you please tell me if you like it ? 🙂
It is part of a celebrities series. Thank you !You can see it here: https://sarahanthonyfineart.com/selected-artworks-new-serie-through-another-medium/
(I don’t understand how to share an image :/
if I break any rule, it’s not…[
SarahAnthonyART joined the group
KATY FAN ART 5 years ago
katycatsuperfan joined the group
Concerts & Shows 5 years ago
number1katyfan joined the group
KATY FAN ART 5 years ago
number1katyfan joined the group
Team KP 5 years ago
Gibson joined the group
KatyCats.com 5 years ago
JoanneTaylor started the topic
3 benefits of using explainer videos for businesses in the forum KatyCats.com 5 years, 1 month ago
The use of animated explainer videos has been a renowned way for business all over the world to create favorable business conditions for them. They have known to provide good ways of engaging customers by providing them with content that is attention grabbing and gives a compelling call to take action. Even I went to an explainer video production…[Read more]
JoanneTaylor joined the group
KatyCats.com 5 years, 1 month ago
MargieMontgomery started the topic
Some additional tips for Wiki page creation in the forum KatyCats.com 5 years, 1 month ago
Do a search on the title of your article to see in which other articles this subject is mentioned. If these articles are not similar to yours, modify them by add internal links. You must justify the information that you publish in your articles. For this, it is essential to cite your sources, either via a citation, or by specifying the source of…[Read more]
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