• Peechago posted an update in the group Group logo of WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 7 years ago

    I’ve been her huge fan of Katy Perry since 2010. I’m so grateful that the song ‘Firework’ really inspired me when I was in a hardship. Luckily I have watched her ‘Prism Tour’ in Guangzhou, CHINA, and that is the best show I’ve ever seen untill now. Watching her singing at stage was the best thing I experienced. Although I signed up at ‘KatyCats’ just now due to the language barrier, I’ve loved her for 8 years and I will always be her concrete fan in music, fashion, and whatever fields she steps into. Plz give me the chance to see Katy, chance to express my appreciation to her, chance to tell her I love her at M&Gs in HONG KONG 30th March. Katy, plz gimme that hard candy with a surprise center!!!!!!! 水果放心飞,狸屎永相随!!!!