• Pedro Henrique posted an update in the group Group logo of KATY FAN ARTKATY FAN ART 7 years, 1 month ago

    I met her through a presentation she made in 2008 of “Hot n Cold” on Youtube Live, since then I started to accompany her. even though I was 8 years old and still a child, she always aroused something very strong in me.
    She literally is part of my life, because it was part of my childhood, my adolescence and now it is part of my “adult life”.
    I already thought a lot about suicide, but the day I really would commit one, Katy released “Rise” and through this song saved me and saved my life, I owe everything to her, who I am, whom I became, she’s like my big sister helping me when I need to, through her songs!
    I love you Katheryn, and my heart will always be yours. <3