Emelso joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
thisishowwedos replied to the topic
Come Introduce Yourself! in the forum UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
‘Sup bois, I’m Kurtis. 22 years old. Newcastle both and raised! Been listening to Katy since I came across IKAG in 2008 during my questionable youth and resonated with a woman singing about kissing girls even though I was doing the opposite. 🧐
hannahroseturner joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
girragarte joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
edwinjamespope posted an update in the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
Can someone going to London on Thursday post a picture of the merchandise, please?! 💘
WesleyRichards3 joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
kate97davies replied to the topic
Who’s going to UK Witness Tour in the forum UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
Anyone doing Birmingham?:) Where is everyone sitting to?
kate97davies joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
mikeyperry joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
Hollie joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
KatyEllisCat joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
megchurch joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
Aaron_Daniel joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
rillianehg posted an update in the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
Hi guys! I`m looking forward to the Friday at Arena O2. \o/
rillianehg joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
GemmaPurry replied to the topic
A KatyCats UK Twitter account! in the forum UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
Thank you! <3
Hoping to do some tour stuff asap!
jackierobertson1 joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
helen2392m joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
ebony.culton posted an update in the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
Is anyone going to the Glasgow date? I am and I am so excited 🙂
ebony.culton joined the group
UK KATY CATS 7 years ago
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