• vetteol1 posted an update in the group Group logo of WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&GsWITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 7 years ago

    I’m seeing a lot of answers to questions within the FAQs and answers from prior questions being answered. Within the FAQs it talks about giving a 2 week advance notice for M&Gs being available at only certain stops. If I read it correctly, the thread will open one week in advance for KCs to post within the thread.
    Admins: Where will the thread post? If you have already answered this question, I apologize for the redundancy!

    • Hi there, the threads will be posted in the “forum” section of this group, to get to the forum simply click on the “forum” tab located just under the groups cover photo. 🙂

      • Hi there, thank you Kyleejoys for getting back to me so quickly! You ladies truly do wear capes!
        Yes, I see the most recent Brooklyn and Boston threads within the Forum. 🙂