lari.hudson joined the group
WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 5 years, 11 months ago
lari.hudson joined the group
KatyCats.com 5 years, 11 months ago
ARMANDOKAT joined the group
ARMANDOKAT joined the group
KatyCats.com 6 years ago
ARMANDOKAT joined the group
WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 6 years ago
ARMANDOKAT joined the group
Katy! 6 years ago
crowley joined the group
Katy! 6 years ago
steviep24 replied to the topic
Immortal Flame in the forum Katy! 6 years ago
No “legal” download is available but if you want the song you can rip a video from YouTube using this program and convert it to MP3.
Alexia joined the group
WITNESS: THE TOUR: M&Gs 6 years ago
Alexia joined the group
KatyCats.com 6 years ago
Alexia joined the group
Katy! 6 years ago
mitsguy2001x replied to the topic
Immortal Flame in the forum Katy! 6 years ago
Thank you. Is there any way to legally download it so that I can listen to it in the car? Thank you.
By the way, I’m mitsguy2001, but I can’t log in, so I created a temporary account. I hope to get that issue resolved and then delete this account
mitsguy2001x started the topic
Can't log in in the forum KatyCats.com 6 years ago
I’m mitsguy2001. I signed up yesterday, but I am unable to log in now. If I try to reset password, it says “Bad gateway”. Any idea what is wrong? I want to be able to log in with mitsguy2001 and delete this account. Thank you.
mitsguy2001x joined the group
KatyCats.com 6 years ago
mitsguy2001x joined the group
Katy! 6 years ago
katykicksass replied to the topic
What Would You Do If Katy…? in the forum Katy! 6 years ago
I’d make sure I’d attend several shows.
WWYDIK told you to take care of Nugget while she’s on tour for a year?
steviep24 replied to the topic
Immortal Flame in the forum Katy! 6 years ago
Immortal Flame is not currently available for sale at this time. You can listen to it here though.
mitsguy2001 replied to the topic
Some of the places you heard Katy Perry's music in public in the forum Katy! 6 years ago
Our local Babies R us used to play Katy’s songs all the time, including some fairly obscure songs. That store is no longer in business. I suspect that they played her songs since children find her voice soothing to listen to. I also often hear Katy’s songs at Cold Stone Creamery, again, including obscure songs, probably since Katy is a big fan…[Read more]
mitsguy2001 replied to the topic
Immortal Flame in the forum Katy! 6 years ago
How can I buy Immortal Flame? It doesn’t seem to be available on iTunes. Thank you.
mitsguy2001 joined the group
KatyCats.com 6 years ago
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