Katy Perry has teamed up with CharityBuzz to auction off 2 prime seat tickets to her concert in Santa Barbara on May 19th, plus you get a photo with Katy, a commemorative laminate, a signed commemorative poster and merch! Additional lot details at the source. Your bid supports the Santa Barbara Foundation, Cold Spring School, 93109 Fund, and 805 UNDOCU Fund.
Hello, my name is Maurice Fuchs, the little boy from Germany who visited you in Beverly Hills. I left an autograph card for you. I have very good tickets for the concert in Cologne. Please may I personally meet you in Cologne and say hello. Your biggest, smallest fan. I would be so pleased. I am also a very big Michael Jackson fan, unfortunately I could not meet him anymore, I only visited him on Forest Lown, that was very sad. A dream would come true. Greetings Maurice F